Bitdefender Launches
New MDR and MDR PLUS Offers to Provide Complete Security




Attackers work around the clock. And so do we. Bitdefender MDR service provides 24x7 defense against cyber threats.  
Bitdefender MDR directly addresses your single greatest security need – people. Access to security technologies has never been a barrier, but hiring, training, and retaining security professionals to manage those technologies has never been more challenging – or expensive.  
Bitdefender MDR PLUS service gives you all the protections of MDR and adds the most comprehensive dark web detection and response available. Our Intelligence Analysts continuously monitor the dark web to protect your vital data. Unlike other MDR services, we also gather extensive information about your organization, including your business, users, and known threats, to model and monitor your specific threat landscape.  


Learn about:

  • Challenges companies face with cyber security
  • Structure of Bitdefender MDR services and teams
  • How Bitdefender MDR solves your challenges with Bitdefender MDR and Bitdefender MDR PLUS offers




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David Shen

Sr. Director, Product Management
